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Yosvani (Milton Garcia) and Rey (Reinier Diaz) play on an amateur slum soccer team.Yosvani lives with his fiancee, Gema (Beatriz Mendez), and her black-marketeer father, Silvano (Luis Alberto Garcia). 24 on Landmark screens in San Francisco and Miami, with modest expansion likely. After a fest run, “Match” will make its U.S. But it’s well crafted and cast to a sum effect that’s consistently engaging, if not quite memorable. Shot in Puerto Rico, this leisurely tale offers no great surprises in the way it considers the relationship between cultural machismo and the closeted life, or in its eventual turn toward tragedy. Life gets complicated for two best friends in Havana when they begin to acknowledge a same-sex attraction between them in “The Last Match,” a solid drama from director/co-scenarist Antonio Hens (“Clandestinos”). Here's a great review from Variety: Although it offers no great surprises, this leisurely tale of two best friends who develop a mutual attraction is a well-crafted, engaging effort.

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Only disappointment is that the movie, set in Havana, is actually shot in Puerto Rico, though the director does a great job at convincing us that it is Cuba. I really love this movie! Dicks of both cute lead actors, though not in an exploitative manner.

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